Reset day - Nightfall (The Shadow Thief)

It's that wonderful time when Bungie's rotating selection of high-reward activities are rebooted (along with any raid progress made in the previous week), giving everyone a fresh chance at scoring some of the game's sweetest and rarest loot.

Destiny reversal now standard Crucible events

A new Destiny update adds an Elimination playlist to the line-up of standard Crucible activities, meaning you can now play the 3v3 mode during the next week.

Destiny Most Useful Tools Wasn’t Made By Bungie

If you play a lot of Destiny, chances are you’ve had a hard time keeping track of all your gear. It’s fun to collect rare and exotic weapons and armor, Destiny power leveling offer more powerful weapons, but it can be a headache organizing everything. Thankfully, there’s an app for that.

Destiny: The Taken King' Expansion Bridge 'House of Wolves'

Bungie may have been doing rounds on the Internet with its recently released House of Wolves expansion, but with the release of House of Wolves out of the way, fans have been looking ahead to details related to the recently leaked The Taken King expansion for the game.

Destiny: The Taken King May Connect House of Wolves

Then earlier this month Red Bull more or less confirmed the existence of the expansion pack by leaking a poster which you can check out here. The Taken King is most likely the big expansion pack that Activision mentioned in its financial statement and one that is probably going to be showcased by Bungie at this year’s E3.

An Entire Trials of Osiris Team Is Demolished With One Snipe From Destiny

That may have been the best sniper shot that anyone has ever fired in Destiny. Want more powerful weapons? Destiny power leveling can help you. Or is it? What did you think of this Destiny Trials of Osiris video? Blown away? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Destiny: Xur's Gear For The Weekend Of June 5

Happy Xursday, everyone! I hope House of Wolves is treating you well and the treasure keys are flowing better after the recent patch. This week, Xur has some oldies but goodies. No, really. While he's sold everything in his stock this week before, a couple of the items might pique your interest.

Banhammer To Drop On Trials Of Osiris Early Quitters From Destiny

Destiny owners who have been testing their mettle in Trials of Osiris have noticed that some of their opponents aren’t exactly playing fair. Bungie has a warning for these cheaters as the third round of the competitive multiplayer mode in the PlayStation and Xbox shooter gets under way.

The Most Powerful PvP Gun In The Game - Thorn

If you’ve been competing in Destiny’s intense new Trials of Osiris multiplayer event, you may have noticed something: Almost every player you go up against is using the same gun.

Destiny: What is Prison of Elders?

The Prison of Elders is Bungie’s latest addition to Destiny alongside the House of Wolves. In what is essentially a horde mode, players must fight through 5 rounds of increasing difficult enemies, with round each sporting 3 waves.

How to Beat Kaliks Reborn in Prison of Elders from Destiny

It’s a new week for Destiny players and with that comes a lot of exciting changes. There’s a new, and fairly easy Nightfall Strike to complete, Iron Banner is back with more gear and for the first time Etheric Light

Destiny: First Iron Banner event taking place today

Etheric Light is a new item that is a requirement in leveling up gears, and boosting weapons and armor. The new item was introduced with the game's second expansion.
Displaying 205-216 of 502 results.